jamiomar@jamiomar.org (613) 828-2222

Service Details

Family Counseling

  The family unit is an important component of Islam, and all elements of a family are given due significance – from parents to children to spouses to kith and kin.  Along with offering a place of worship for the community, we are actively involved in providing various support to […]
  • Pre-marital Counselling
  • Marriage Counselling
  • Depression Counselling
  • Youth Support
  • Family Issues


The family unit is an important component of Islam, and all elements of a family are given due significance – from parents to children to spouses to kith and kin.  Along with offering a place of worship for the community, we are actively involved in providing various support to our Brothers, Sisters, and Families.

We encourage you to reach out to the Masjid for guidance and support for all aspect of your life.

Pre-marital Counselling

Marriage is one of the most important decisions in our lives. Couples who take on this journey often face challenges from within their community and family. We can provide guidance and support from an Islamic perspective to make this process easier

Marriage Counselling

Marriage in Islam is considered “Half of Deen” However, sadly, sometimes marriages fall apart leading to very nasty divorces. When problems arise it’s important to try and seek conflict resolution immediately to avoid leading down the path of breaking up the family

Depression Counselling

Allah (SWT) and His beloved Messenger (PBUH) left us with solutions with all of life’s problems. Sometimes you need to just talk to a religious authority who can put you back on the right path. Guidance from the Sunnath and Quran can transforms a person’s life. For religious guidance and advise contact our Imam. 

Youth Support

Living in this country and society, our youth often face extreme peer pressure. Jami Omar strives to provide our youth with support and guidance in these confusing and difficult times. We have built a strong youth network who are constantly involved in programs and events at the Masjid. This creates a halal environment where young people can thrive and practice their deen with ease. For more information about our youth committee and programs, please send us an email

Family Issues

One of the most striking features of Muslim society is the importance attached to the family. The family unit is regarded as the cornerstone of a healthy and balanced society. Today we see family conflicts over trivial things. It’s important that we try and solve these problems for the good of our Islamic society. If families break down, it will have a profound negative effect on our Islamic society. Seeking counselling and arbritation from a scholar can often times resolve disputes from the light of Quran and Sunnah.


Copyright Jami Omar Masjid 2024.